Who makes the clothes?

Our partner in Calcutta is one of the most committed producers of ethically produced textiles. From a visionary he became a pioneer in organic garment and home textile manufacturing in India. Rajlakshmi fair trade means a fair professional relationship between producer and buyer based on respect and fair business practices. Seeking to combine high quality tailoring with a fair deal for farmers and employees alike. For our collection Rajlakshmi use only organic and Fairtrade cotton.
They value the social and economical welfare of their employees and comply with legislation regarding maximum working hours, overtime compensation and incentives. Employees have the rights to join trade unions and there is no discrimination for race, age, sex, political opinion or religion. Further benefits include the transport to and from the jobsite, company sponsored meals, a health plan and funding for employees’ children’s education.
Rajlakshmi partners with the small-scale farmers association Chetna Organic to ensure the Fairtrade practice throughout the entire supply chain. All of the organic cotton for Little Gingers’ and Souls Space collection is produced in a Fairtrade context. Chetna Organic holds a 10% share of Rajlakshmi.
RCM is currently certified by the following organizations:
- Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)
- FLOCERT – Fairtrade (FLO ID 4512)
- Fair Trade USA
- SAI – SA8000